

Spirit of Athens is pleased to offer the facade improvement grant program to businesses and property owners in Downtown Athens, Alabama. The grant will offer financial assistance to offset the cost of painting, lighting, signage, awnings and other improvements to the exterior of buildings within the program area.

“The (SOA) Board realizes it can be costly to restore and maintain historic buildings,”
said Derrick Young, Spirit of Athens Board President. “This grant will hopefully help those
business and property owners that have committed and invested in our downtown.”
In 2010, Gray and Holt Dry Goods received $1000 for painting the building facade and
replacing their sign. With Gray and Holt serving as the pilot program, it allowed SOA to go
through the process and work out any issues or questions.

The grant application will be available to Spirit of Athens members that are business
owners or property owners with income producing commercial space. The Design committee
will review the applications. If approved, the applicant will receive up to $1000 after work is

The funding for the grant program consist of donations from Bank Independent, Carole
Foret Fine Art, 2009 Cruising the Square Reunion, and Limestone Chapel.
Applications are available on SOA’s website, www.spiritofathens.com. For more
information, contact Trisha Black at 256-232-9040.




Anonymous said...

aww, I liked the old sign better!

Anonymous said...

Two trees cut down and a sign with smaller lettering that is less effectively spaced than the previous sign. Poor choices all-around. SOA, you can do better.

Anonymous said...

Further reflection prompts me to comment that the sign's new color scheme is an improvement. The older sign might of been improved by using this color scheme and removing the thick frame around the old sign rather than ditched the old layout all together. Still, one contemplates the dictum: leaving well enough alone.